A Sociological Inquiry into Valuation Practices
Tom Duterme
This thesis sheds light on the valuation practices of financial market participants in three stages. First, a socio-historical approach outlines the conditions in which market participants operate today. Secondly, the valuation practices of market participants are clarified through an analysis of the main valuation supports used. Thirdly...
The Ethnography Embraces the Changing Lifestyle of Tibetan Buddhist Monks in Southwest China
Yifan Fan
This study draws upon Zygmunt Bauman's theory of Liquid Modernity. Employing ethnographic research methods, it analyzes the fluidity of digital spiritual practice among Tibetan Buddhist monks in the southwestern region of China, as well as the transformation of monastic life in this area.
Rough volatility, subdiffusions, fractional Hawkes, optimal liquidation and deep learning
Jean-Loup Dupret
Liquidity is a fundamental property of a well-functioning financial market and lack of liquidity is generally at the heart of many financial crises and disasters, such as the global financial crisis of 2007–2008 and the LTCM crisis of 1998...
Une anthropologie des danses sur Internet
Elina Djebbari, Mahalia Lassibille
Les (dist)danses, danses médiatisées par des diffusions audiovisuelles circulant sur internet, sont en constant développement depuis l'émergence des plateformes de médias et de réseaux sociaux. Particulièrement visibles pendant la période pandémique, elles ne représentent pas uniquement un mode « par défaut »...
Contribution de l'Histoire au développement territorial durable
Thibaut Ghils
L'Histoire peut-elle nous inspirer afin d'imaginer un projet de territoire multifonctionnel centré sur l'humide et de nouveaux usages économiques redéployés ? Dans une approche rétroprospective, cette thèse cherche à identifier les modalités d'une nouvelle territorialité au départ de la réhumidification de la Vallée Scarpe-Escaut...
Towards an Archaeology of Fragmentation in the Aegean Bronze Age
Thérèse Claeys, Louis Dautais
This volume encompasses studies of diverse archaeological data, such as bones, vases and sherds, seals, jewellery, and architecture but also digital data. In terms of methodological approaches, it focuses on artistic, textual, cross-disciplinary, iconographic, statistical, computational, experimental, theoretical, and lab analytical approaches.