Between 2007 and 2011, the Belgian School at Athens undertook excavations on the Kefali or Buff o hill, east of the village of Sissi, on the north coast of Crete, only a few kilometres east of Malia. The project has revealed the remains of a settlement and cemetery, used during diff erent phases of the Bronze Age (2500-1200 B.C.). This volume details the results of the 2011 campaign, the last in our first 5-year programme. The work in the different zones is described and reports on Late Minoan pottery, petrographic analysis, shells and ground stone tools are attached.
1. Excavations at Sissi, 2011 17
Jan Driessen
1. Preliminary Observations on the Diachronic Occupation of the Kefali 20
2. Conservation, Site embellishment and Study 25
3. References 26
2. The Cemetery at Sissi. 27
Report on the 2011 Campaign
Ilse Schoep
Aurore Schmitt
Isabelle Crevecoeur
Sylviane Déderix
1. Upper Terrace (Zone 1) 27
1.1. Spaces 1.17, 1.18 and 1.29 27
1.2. Space 1.17 27
1.3. Space 1.29 31
1.4. Space 1.18 33
2. Middle terrace (Zone 1): soundings in 1.1, 1.2 and space to south of 1.1-1.2. 36
3. Lower terrace with 1.15-1.16 and 1.30-1.31 38
3.1. Compartments 1.15-1.16 38
3.2. Space 1.30 39
4. Zone 9 41
4.1. Compartment 9.1 42
4.2. Compartment 9.2 (fig. 2.19) 42
4.3. Compartment 9.3 49
4.4. Compartment 9.4 (fig. 2.29) 49
5. A Sealstone from Compartment 9.4 (Maria Anastasiadou) 50
6. References 51
3. The Excavation of Zone 2 53
The 2011 Campaign
Frank Carpentier
1. Introduction 53
2. Building BC, spaces 2.6 and 2.7 53
3. Building BC, spaces 2.8 and 2.9 55
4. Building BC, space 2.12 56
5. Building BC, space 2.13 57
6. The Area in between Buildings BA and BC 59
7. The Area west of Buildings BA and BC 59
8. Conclusion 61
9. References 61
4.1. The Excavation of Building CD 63
Florence Gaignerot-Driessen
Quentin Letesson
1. The 2011 campaign 63
2. Updated plans 63
2.1. Aerial view 64
2.2. Stone-by-stone plan 65
2.3. Schematic plan with blockings and thresholds 66
2.4. Major LM III phase 67
2.5. Sectors within major LM III phase 68
3. References 68
4.2. The excavation of Zone 3 69
Florence Gaignerot-Driessen
1. Room 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 69
2. Room 3.4 70
3. Room 3.6 72
4. Room 3.11 74
5. Room 3.5 75
6. A Note on the Seals (Maria Anastasiadou) 76
7. References 78
4.3. The Excavation of Zone 4 81
Quentin Letesson
1. Building CD 81
1.1. Room 4.7 82
1.2. Room 4.8 85
1.3. Room 4.9 86
1.4. Room 4.11 86
1.5. Space 4.12 87
1.6. Room 4.13 88
1.7. Room 4.15 89
1.8. Room 4.16 93
1.9. Room 4.17 and niche 3.7 94
1.10. Space 4.18 97
1.11. Space 4.19 99
1.12. Corridor 4.21 102
2. Surrounding spaces and external areas 106
2.1. Area 4.20 106
2.2. Area 8.4 109
2.3. Destruction level along the west façade 111
3. A Note on the Seals (Maria Anastasiadou) 113
4. References 115
5. The excavation of the open area north of Building E in Zone 5 117
Maud Devolder
1. Introduction 117
2. LM III occupation 118
3. Earlier occupation 122
4. References 133
6. The Excavation of Zone 6 135
Simon Jusseret
1. Introduction 135
2. Spaces 6.2, 6.14 and 6.15 (fig. 6.2) 135
3. Space 6.9 (fig. 6.2) 137
4. Spaces 6.5, 6.10, 6.16 (fig. 6.5) 138
5. Space 6.6 (fig. 6.7) 140
6. Space 6.7 (fig. 6.8) 141
7. The court and its north-eastern recess: Spaces 6.8, 6.13 and 6.17 142
7.1. Space 6.8 S (fig. 6.10) 142
7.2. Space 6.8 SE 143
7.3. Space 6.8 E 144
7.4. Space 6.8 NE and Space 6.13 (fig. 6.14) 145
7.5. Space 6.8 N and Space 6.17 (fig. 6.15) 146
8. Space 6.12 (fig. 6.19) 149
9. Building F: removal of remaining baulks 151
9.1. Space 6.3 151
9.2. Spaces 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 151
9.3. Space 6.5 152
10. Conclusions 152
11. References 154
7. Observations on some Late Minoan Pottery from Sissi 155
Charlotte Langohr
1. The open area between Buildings CD and E (Zone 5) 155
2. Building CD 156
3. Building F 163
4. References 166
8. Petrographic analysis of three Neopalatial and Postpalatial conical cup assemblages 169
Florence Liard
1. Introduction 169
2. LBA petrographic groups for conical cups at Sissi. General description and comments 170
2.1. 'Maliote' red/orange fabrics 170
2.2. Alluvial-sand fabrics 172
2.3. Dark red oxidized fabrics 173
2.4. Calcareous fabric 175
3. Conclusions 175
4. References 177
9. Sissi: The Shell Assemblages 185
Preliminary results from Building CD and Building E
Rena Veropoulidou
1. Introduction 185
2. Methods of recovery and material analysis 185
3. Composition of the shell assemblage from Buildings CD and E 186
3.1. Gathering practices 189
3.2. Molluscan and shell consumption practices 190
4. Building CD (Zone 4) 192
5. Building E (Zone 5) 195
6. Some preliminary remarks 198
7. Acknowledgements 198
8. References 199
10. Ground stone technologies at the Bronze Age settlement of Sissi 201
Preliminary Results
Christina Tsoraki
1. Introduction 201
2. Establishing a research and methodological framework 201
3. Preliminary results of the ground stone analysis 202
3.1. Typological classification 202
3.2. Raw material procurement and use 206
3.3. Production processes 209
3.4. Use/Reuse 211
3.5. Preservation 212
4. Preliminary observations on the spatial distribution of ground stone objects 212
4.1. Building BC (Zone 2) 212
4.2. Building CD (Zone 3) 213
4.3. Building CD (Zone 4) 218
4.4. Zone 5 and Pit FE087 219
5. Acknowledgements 220
6. References 220