This volume encompasses studies of diverse archaeological data, such as bones, vases and sherds, seals, jewellery, and architecture but also digital data. In terms of methodological approaches, it focuses on artistic, textual, cross-disciplinary, iconographic, statistical, computational, experimental, theoretical, and lab analytical approaches.
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Towards an Archaeology of Fragmentation in the Aegean Bronze Age
Thérèse Claeys, Louis Dautais
The Lion Gate at Mycenae is an icon, a piece of art more than 3300 years old, representing the glory of Mycenaean Greece. Preserved in situ, it has passed through time and circumstance, witnessing its own civilisation fail and many others flourishing since. This volume traces 33 casts, some no longer existing, and tells their stories.
The Casts of the Lion Gate at Mycenae
Jan Driessen, Tina Kalantzopoulou
The volume is a detailed but preliminary account of the first six excavation campaigns (2014-2019) with a presentation of the archaeological material found in the different sectors of the hill. It also includes the first analyses of the different ceramic categories encountered and a report on the topographical work executed.
Report on the 2014-2019 Campaigns
Joachim Bretschneider, Athanasia Kanta
The Pondera Online project is intended to fill a gap in the collection, standardisation, and processing of these archaeological data, thanks to an open access database ( Four annual workshops have been organised in Louvain-la-Neuve between 2016 and 2019. Thirteen papers are gathered in this second volume.
Lysiane Delanaye, Charles Doyen
This volume represents a tribute by friends, family and colleagues to Hugh Sackett, a British archaeologist who led important excavations at Knossos, Palaikastro and Lefkandi in Greece. Organised in two parts, Reminiscences and Archaeological Contributions, the texts speak both to Hugh's dual life as archaeologist and teacher...
Studies in honour of Hugh Sackett
Jan Driessen, Carl Knappett
Les fouilles conduites de 2007 à 2015 sur le site archéologique des « Bons-Villers » à Liberchies, le long de la voie romaine Bavay-Tongres-Cologne, ont mis au jour trois nouveaux bâtiments de l'agglomération. Ces découvertes ont permis de produire une synthèse générale de l’organisation spatiale et fonctionnelle de l’agglomération de Germiniacum..
Meunerie et habitat du quartier central
Jean-Claude Demanet, Fabienne Vilvorder
Dopo un primo volume, dallo stesso titolo, dedicato all'Italia settentrionale, l’attenzione sul tema della Villa dopo la villa si sposta alle regioni dell’Italia centrale, Toscana, Lazio, Umbria, Marche, Abruzzo e Molise.
Trasformazione di un sistema insediativo ed economico nell'Italia centrale tra tarda Antichità e Medioevo
Marco Cavalieri, Carla Sfameni
This volume presents and discusses the results of an extensive survey that took place between 2014 and 2018 in the mountain ranges of East Crete. The study of architectural remains and movable finds allows a reconsideration of issues of political organization, labour mobilization, economic integration, production and specialization.
Prehistoric Habitation and Exploitation in the Mountains of East Crete: New Evidence from an Extensive Survey
Tina Kalantzopoulou
This volume, in two parts, is the fifth and last preliminary report on the excavations conducted at the Bronze Age site of Kephali tou Agiou Antoniou at Sissi in the nomos of Lasithi, Crete. It covers the campaigns during the summers of 2017, 2018 and 2019 with quite detailed reports on the different areas excavated.
Preliminary Report on the 2017-2019 Campaigns VOLUME 2
Jan Driessen
Preliminary Report on the 2017-2019 Campaigns VOLUME 1
The aim of this volume is to measure acceptance of, and resistance to, outside influences within Mediterranean coastal settlements and their immediate hinterlands, with a particular focus on the processes not reflecting simple commercial routes, but taking place at an intercultural level, in situations of developed connectedness.
Acceptance of and Resistance to Foreign Influences in the Connected Ancient Mediterranean
Jan Driessen, Alessandro Vanzetti
This collection of papers explores whether the Lévi-Straussian notion of the House is a valid concept in aiding the comprehension of the social structure of Bronze Age Aegean societies. The volume succeeds in stressing the advances made in the study of social structure of the Aegean on the basis of material remains.
Archaeological approaches to House Societies in the Bronze Age Aegean
Maria Relaki, Jan Driessen
L'interesse precipuo del volume collettaneo La villa dopo la villa risiede nel tentativo di presentare un quadro dell’archeologia delle ville tardoantiche tra bilanci e nuove prospettive, con particolare riferimento all’Italia settentrionale, pur non mancando riferimenti e ad altre regioni della penisola ed altre aree geografiche del Mediterraneo.
Trasformazione di un sistema insediativo ed economico in Italia centro-settentrionale tra tarda Antichità e Medioevo
Marco Cavalieri, Furio Sacchi
The aim of this volume is to present an overview of current trends and individual methodological attempts towards arriving at an adequate understanding of Minoan, Cycladic, and Mycenaean iconography.
Fritz Blakolmer
This volume focusses on ashlar masonry, probably the most elaborate construction technique of the Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age, from a cross-regional perspective.
Exploring the Materiality of Cut-Stone Masonry in the Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age
Maud Devolder, Igor Kreimerman
En 2014, les fouilles archéologiques préventives réalisées par Monument Vandekerckhove aux abords du village d'Oostvleteren (Flandre occidentale) ont révélé les vestiges d'un atelier métallurgique daté entre la fin du Xe et le début du XIe siècle...
Travail du cuivre, de l'argent et du fer à Oostvleteren (Flandre occidentale, Belgique)
Lise Saussus, Nicolas Thomas
Si le XVIIIe siècle est généralement qualifié de « Siècle des Lumières », cette période se caractérise également par un véritable « retour à l'antique » au sein des différents États européens. Cet engouement, conforté par de nombreuses découvertes archéologiques dont les premières fouilles à Herculanum et à Pompéi (1738 et 1748), se manifeste...
Étude et réception de l'Antiquité romaine au siècle des Lumières
Marco Cavalieri, Olivier Latteur
This workshop questioned the reliability of pottery as crisis indicator within the archaeological data set. More particularly, following the perspective of archaeological and anthropological research that assesses pottery technology as a social product, there is an interest in addressing the social and cultural aspects of technological change...
Technological changes in ceramic production during periods of trouble
Ilaria Caloi, Charlotte Langohr