Shady Attia was born on 25th May 1979 in Berlin, Germany. He received a Bachelor
degree in Architecture from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cairo, Helwan University in 2002,
a Master of Landscape Architecture degree from Wageningen University, The Netherlands
in 2006. Between 2002 and 2004 and between 2006 and 2007 he worked as an architect
and contributed to several environmental design projects in Egypt.
He attended his PhD courses at the Architecture Department of Texas A&M between
2007 and 2008, USA, where he also worked as a teaching assistant for one year.
He started his PhD research in 2008 at the research group Architecture et climat of
the Faculty of Architecture at Université Catholique de Louvain. During his study, he
participated in the International Energy Agency Task 40: Towards Net Zero Energy
Buildings. As registered architect and LEED accredited professional he has experience
in buildings energy efficiency, solar architecture, and sustainability, he worked in
government research and university level teaching, as well as building design and
energy consulting companies.