The two planetary defense ESA Hera and NASA DART missions aim at demonstrating asteroid deflection capabilities. This will be the first-ever extraterrestrial surface gravimeter experiment on a small body. The present PhD thesis contributed to this novel instrument development, from early prototyping to the final instrument flight model (FM)...
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Matthias Noeker
Nirmani Ranathunga
The standard model (SM) of particle physics is a hugely successful theory of nature, but it is incomplete. E.g., it cannot explain finite SM neutrino masses or the origin of the primordial baryon asymmetry (BAU). One way to address such problems is to postulate the existence of new but hidden particles...
Philipp Klose
This thesis not only provides sound recommendations helping planners and policy makers to encourage bicycle use, but it also offers new research directions for pinpointing locations where accidents are more likely to occur.
Grégory Vandenbulcke-Plasschaert
Ice formed from seawater, called sea ice, is both an important actor in and a sensitive indicator of climate change. Covering 7% of the World Ocean, sea ice damps the atmosphere-ocean exchanges of heat, radiation and momentum in polar regions. It...
Martin Vancoppenolle
In qualitative theory of differential equations, an important role is played by special classes of solutions, like periodic solutions or solutions to some boundary value problems. When a system of ordinary differential equations has equilibria, i.e...
Denis Bonheure
Comment, à partir d'une ressource aussi vitale que l'eau, mettre d'accord des scientifiques et des acteurs locaux - familles d'agriculteurs, décideurs politiques - sur une optimisation économique et sociale durable de cette ressource naturelle...
Le cadre méhodologique interdisciplinaire, un outil d'analyse intégrée
Michel Ansay, Jean-Marie Godeau
La thèse à la base de ce travail soutient l'idée d'une réponse quantitative des jeunes pousses de peuplier, se développant en conditions contrôlées, en réaction à l'application d'un stimulus gravitationnel induit artificiellement. Pour en faire...
Benoit Jourez