The aim of this book is to seriously engage with destruction as a phenomenon and how it is perceived by archaeologists, historians and philologists of the ancient world. Lire la suite
Destruction remains a relatively unexplored and badly understood topic in archaeology and history. The term itself refers to some form and measurable degree of damage inflicted to an object, a system or a being, usually exceeding the stage during which repair is still possible but most often it is examined for its impact with destructive events interpreted in terms of a punctuated equilibrium, extraordinary features that represent the end of an archaeological culture or historical phase and the beginning of a new one.
The three-day international workshop of which this volume presents the proceedings took place at Louvain-la-Neuve in Belgium, from November 24 to 26, 2011 and was organized by CEMA – Centre d'Étude des Mondes Antiques – one of the research centres within INCAL – Institut de Civilisations, Arts et Lettres. Our aim with organising this gathering was to seriously engage with destruction as a phenomenon and how it is perceived by archaeologists, historians and philologists of the ancient world. The volume is similarly structured to the workshop which it reflects, with first a series of more theoretical papers and then following a chronological and geographical order.
Preface 5
Jan Driessen
Ouverture du colloque 7
Marco Cavalieri
Time Capsules? 9
Jan Driessen
Nous sommes à l'âge de la Dévastation 27
Laurent Olivier
Embracing destruction 37
Alfredo González-Ruibal
Deconstructing Destructions 53
Tim Cunningham
Destruction and the formation of static and dynamic settlement structures
in the Aegean 63
Donald C. Haggis
Destruction of Places by Fire 89
Ruth Tringham
Destroying the means of production 109
Anna Stroulia, Danai Chondrou
Living through destructions 133
Simona Todaro, Lucia Girella
Destroying the Snake Goddesses 153
Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw, Fay Stevens
The view from the day after 171
Dario Puglisi
L'archéosismologie : un cadre conceptuel 183
Simon Jusseret, Charlotte Langohr et Manuel Sintubin
Destruction and Identity 203
Louise Hitchcock
488 Destruction
The destruction of the Mycenaean palaces and the construction of
the epic world 221
Manolis Mikrakis
La notion de « destruction » entre oblitération, conservation
et pratiques rituelles 243
Mario Denti
Destructions at the grave 269
Alexandra Alexandridou
The 'killing' of a city: a destruction by enforced abandonment 285
Florence Gaignerot-Driessen
After destruction: taking care of remains at the sanctuary of
Eukleia at Vergina 299
Athanasia Kyriakou, Alexander Tourtas
Catastrophe or Resilience? 319
Ryan Boehm
Les séismes comme cause de destruction 329
Ludovic Thély
Spolia and Spoilage of the Archaeological Environment 337
Stavros Oikonomidis
La destruction cyclique en contexte cultuel 355
Laure Meulemans, Sylvia Piermarini
Construction and Destruction 371
Michele Scalici, Alessia Mancini
Poids symbolique de la destruction et enjeux idéologiques
de ses récits 391
Pierre Assenmaker
La destruction délibérée des statues pour des raisons politiques
dans le monde romain 415
Matteo Cadario
The sanctuary of Iuppiter Heliopolitanus at Carnuntum 435
Eva Steigberger, Barbara Tober
Destruction, transformation et refonctionnalisation 449
Marco Cavalieri
Evidence of Destruction in Tell Barri 473
Rocco Palermo