This volume encompasses studies of diverse archaeological data, such as bones, vases and sherds, seals, jewellery, and architecture but also digital data. In terms of methodological approaches, it focuses on artistic, textual, cross-disciplinary, iconographic, statistical, computational, experimental, theoretical, and lab analytical approaches.
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Towards an Archaeology of Fragmentation in the Aegean Bronze Age
Thérèse Claeys, Louis Dautais
The volume is a detailed but preliminary account of the first six excavation campaigns (2014-2019) with a presentation of the archaeological material found in the different sectors of the hill. It also includes the first analyses of the different ceramic categories encountered and a report on the topographical work executed.
Report on the 2014-2019 Campaigns
Joachim Bretschneider, Athanasia Kanta
Les fouilles conduites de 2007 à 2015 sur le site archéologique des « Bons-Villers » à Liberchies, le long de la voie romaine Bavay-Tongres-Cologne, ont mis au jour trois nouveaux bâtiments de l'agglomération. Ces découvertes ont permis de produire une synthèse générale de l’organisation spatiale et fonctionnelle de l’agglomération de Germiniacum..
Meunerie et habitat du quartier central
Jean-Claude Demanet, Fabienne Vilvorder
L'interesse precipuo del volume collettaneo La villa dopo la villa risiede nel tentativo di presentare un quadro dell’archeologia delle ville tardoantiche tra bilanci e nuove prospettive, con particolare riferimento all’Italia settentrionale, pur non mancando riferimenti e ad altre regioni della penisola ed altre aree geografiche del Mediterraneo.
Trasformazione di un sistema insediativo ed economico in Italia centro-settentrionale tra tarda Antichità e Medioevo
Marco Cavalieri, Furio Sacchi
Au Nord et à l'Est du Vésuve s'étend l'Ager Nolanus, la Terre autour de la ville de Nola, chantée dès le XVIe siècle par la monographie de l'érudit Ambrosius Leo. Ce volume en dévoile et rassemble toutes les découvertes d’objets et vestiges archéologiques dont les sites ont été documentés, de quelque façon que ce soit.
Les découvertes archéologiques en contexte, du XVIe au XXIe siècle
Robert Donceel
This collection of papers explores whether a meaningful distinction can be made in the archaeological record between migrations in general and conflict-induced migration in particular.
Crisis-induced mobility and the Collapse of the 13th c. BCE Eastern Mediterranean
Jan Driessen
This volume addresses the topic of collective burial practices, focusing on two main questions: "Who are the deceased buried together in collective tombs?" and “Why are these deceased buried collectively?” Archaeologists, ethnologists and ethnoarchaeologists examin case studies from antiquity to nowadays.
Archaeological and Ethnological Perspectives on Collective Burial and Social Organisation
Aurore Schmitt, Sylviane Déderix
Quest'omaggio in due volumi riproduce la dialettica tra il chaos proprio all'innata curiositas di Sara Santoro ed un ugualmente suo e solido kosmos metodologico: due dimensioni legate l’una all’altra e che in lei raggiungevano la più alta espressione nell’entusiasmo di un insegnamento etimologicamente enciclopedico.
Il polisemico significato della moderna ricerca archeologica – Omaggio a Sara Santoro – vol. 2
Marco Cavalieri, Cristina Boschetti
Quest'omaggio in due volumi riproduce la dialettica tra il chaos proprio all’innata curiositas di Sara Santoro ed un ugualmente suo e solido kosmos metodologico: due dimensioni legate l’una all’altra e che in lei raggiungevano la più alta espressione nell’entusiasmo di un insegnamento etimologicamente enciclopedico.
Il polisemico significato della moderna ricerca archeologica – Omaggio a Sara Santoro – vol. 1
This volume describes the results of the 2015 and 2016 campaigns, in part concentrating on the remains of a large, Neopalatial monumental complex with Central Court, which was initially recognised in 2011.
Preliminary Report on the 2015-2016 Campaigns
Cures tra Archeologia e Storia propone, per la prima volta dal lontano 1980, non tanto una sintesi, quanto uno status quaestionis sulle vicende storico-archeologiche della capitale dei Sabini e del suo territorio, a partire dal Neolitico fino ad età medievale.
Ricerche e considerazioni sulla capitale dei Sabini ed il suo territorio
Christopher Smith
Marco Cavalieri
This volume, in honour of one of the Odysseuses in Aegean archaeology, Professor Robert Laffineur, comprises a combination of papers presented during a seminar series on recent developments in Mycenaean archaeology at the Université de Louvain during the academic year 2015-2016.
Studies on the Mycenaean World offered to Robert Laffineur for his 70th Birthday
Contextualising the Intentional Destruction of Objects in the Bronze Age Aegean and Cyprus
Kate Harrell, Jan Driessen
Perspectives for the 21st Century
Sarah Cappel, Ute Günkel-Maschek
The aim of this book is to seriously engage with destruction as a phenomenon and how it is perceived by archaeologists, historians and philologists of the ancient world.
Archaeological, philological and historical perspectives
De l'Europe du nord-ouest à la Syrie, l'Afrique, l’Espagne et l’Italie ; de la préhistoire au Moyen Âge : la diversité des intérêts et réalisations du Pr Raymond Brulet, enseignant, chercheur, homme de terrain et entrepreneur culturel, force l'admiration.
L'archéologie : une démarche singulière, des pratiques multiples – Hommages à Raymond Brulet
Between 2007 and 2011, the Belgian School at Athens undertook excavations on the Kefali or Buff o hill, east of the village of Sissi, on the north coast of Crete, only a few kilometres east of...
Preliminary Report on the 2011 Campaign
Jan Driessen, Charlotte Langohr
Since 2007, the Belgian School at Athens has undertaken excavations east of the village of Sissi (Crete) where a Minoan site was occupied approximately between 2500 and 1200 BC. This volume is the follow-up of an earlier one on the 2007-2008...
Preliminary Report on the 2009-2010 Campaigns