This collection of papers explores whether a meaningful distinction can be made in the archaeological record between migrations in general and conflict-induced migration in particular.
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Crisis-induced mobility and the Collapse of the 13th c. BCE Eastern Mediterranean
Jan Driessen
This volume addresses the topic of collective burial practices, focusing on two main questions: "Who are the deceased buried together in collective tombs?" and “Why are these deceased buried collectively?” Archaeologists, ethnologists and ethnoarchaeologists examin case studies from antiquity to nowadays.
Archaeological and Ethnological Perspectives on Collective Burial and Social Organisation
Aurore Schmitt, Sylviane Déderix
Quest'omaggio in due volumi riproduce la dialettica tra il chaos proprio all'innata curiositas di Sara Santoro ed un ugualmente suo e solido kosmos metodologico: due dimensioni legate l’una all’altra e che in lei raggiungevano la più alta espressione nell’entusiasmo di un insegnamento etimologicamente enciclopedico.
Il polisemico significato della moderna ricerca archeologica – Omaggio a Sara Santoro – vol. 2
Marco Cavalieri, Cristina Boschetti
Quest'omaggio in due volumi riproduce la dialettica tra il chaos proprio all’innata curiositas di Sara Santoro ed un ugualmente suo e solido kosmos metodologico: due dimensioni legate l’una all’altra e che in lei raggiungevano la più alta espressione nell’entusiasmo di un insegnamento etimologicamente enciclopedico.
Il polisemico significato della moderna ricerca archeologica – Omaggio a Sara Santoro – vol. 1
This volume describes the results of the 2015 and 2016 campaigns, in part concentrating on the remains of a large, Neopalatial monumental complex with Central Court, which was initially recognised in 2011.
Preliminary Report on the 2015-2016 Campaigns
Originaires d'une région et d'une époque qui furent celles d’Hérode et de Jésus de Nazareth, voici mis en évidence un mobilier stuqué de salle à manger à l’étage ou coenaculum, une vaisselle de grand luxe en verre, céramique fine ou pierre tournée, cannelée et moulurée, mais aussi les instruments servant à l’industrie locale du baume...
Pierre – Lampes – Verre – Matériaux divers
Robert Donceel, Pauline Donceel-Voûte
Covering approximately the century between 1300 and 1200 BC, the Late Minoan IIIB phase remains a blurred episode of Minoan civilisation. Archaeological data present a contradictory picture: on the one hand, they suggest a time of prosperity, with favourable conditions of subsistence and growth; on the other hand...
Late Minoan IIIB Pottery Relative Chronology and Regional Differences
Charlotte Langohr
The divide that once existed between the past and the present and between the archaeology of distant times and that of recent ones has started to disappear. Excavations are now exploring 20th century sites. The barriers that once compartmentalised the fields of history, archaeology and anthropology have begun to crumble...
The Contemporary Past as a Challenge for Archaeology
Jean-Marie Blessing, Jan Driessen
Cures tra Archeologia e Storia propone, per la prima volta dal lontano 1980, non tanto una sintesi, quanto uno status quaestionis sulle vicende storico-archeologiche della capitale dei Sabini e del suo territorio, a partire dal Neolitico fino ad età medievale.
Ricerche e considerazioni sulla capitale dei Sabini ed il suo territorio
Christopher Smith
Marco Cavalieri
Cet ouvrage propose une approche singulière pour aborder la circulation des livres et le rôle des bibliothèques durant l'Antiquité gréco-romaine, en croisant les données archéologiques, historiques et philologiques.
Livres et bibliothèques dans l'Antiquité
Luciano Canfora
Nicolas Amoroso, Marco Cavalieri
This discusses and critically analyses the variety of signatures and archaeological correlates of crisis conditions that led to social breakdown. As such it makes massive strides forward to a better theoretical understanding of crisis-induced collapse.
The Archaeology of Social Breakdown
Tim Cunningham, Jan Driessen
This volume, in honour of one of the Odysseuses in Aegean archaeology, Professor Robert Laffineur, comprises a combination of papers presented during a seminar series on recent developments in Mycenaean archaeology at the Université de Louvain during the academic year 2015-2016.
Studies on the Mycenaean World offered to Robert Laffineur for his 70th Birthday
Contextualising the Intentional Destruction of Objects in the Bronze Age Aegean and Cyprus
Kate Harrell, Jan Driessen
Perspectives for the 21st Century
Sarah Cappel, Ute Günkel-Maschek
The aim of this book is to seriously engage with destruction as a phenomenon and how it is perceived by archaeologists, historians and philologists of the ancient world.
Archaeological, philological and historical perspectives
De l'Europe du nord-ouest à la Syrie, l'Afrique, l’Espagne et l’Italie ; de la préhistoire au Moyen Âge : la diversité des intérêts et réalisations du Pr Raymond Brulet, enseignant, chercheur, homme de terrain et entrepreneur culturel, force l'admiration.
L'archéologie : une démarche singulière, des pratiques multiples – Hommages à Raymond Brulet
Between 2007 and 2011, the Belgian School at Athens undertook excavations on the Kefali or Buff o hill, east of the village of Sissi, on the north coast of Crete, only a few kilometres east of...
Preliminary Report on the 2011 Campaign
Jan Driessen, Charlotte Langohr
Since 2007, the Belgian School at Athens has undertaken excavations east of the village of Sissi (Crete) where a Minoan site was occupied approximately between 2500 and 1200 BC. This volume is the follow-up of an earlier one on the 2007-2008...
Preliminary Report on the 2009-2010 Campaigns